It's a boy! March 29th God blessed us with a healthy beautiful baby boy. Predictions from my patients, friends and family were split 50/50. Mark was sure we were getting another girl, and I didn't have strong feelings one way or another.
As I had mentioned in an earlier post, Bethel is set up to function more like a birthing center in that women labor naturally; there is no option of an epidural.

I must admit, I was a little nervous about having my baby in Bethel. Even though I delivered my second baby naturally in a birthing center and had a great experience, my first delivery in a hospital was nothing I wanted to experience again. I worried my delivery in Bethel would be more like the hospital, bound to a bed by a fetal monitor and blood pressure cuff, but without the option of an epidural. I had nothing to fear. My experience delivering Simon here was perfect; in many ways even better than the experience I had delivering at the birthing center.
My labor took off quickly and progressed quickly. Thankfully I was the only woman in labor at the time, so I was able to take advantage of the jacuzzi tub. We couldn't have gotten a better, more attentive nurse. She was with me the whole time, coaching me through every contraction. My doctor was not only my boss, but also a friend, and it was such a comfort her being there. After 4 hours of labor Simon was laid across my chest and allowed to remain there until he was finished nursing. The whole experience was wonderful.