Sunday, July 22, 2012

Home Sweet Home

OK.  So I know its been a little while since my last post, but its been a busy last week and a half.  Last Monday I started seeing my own patients.  For the last month I have been shadowing other providers trying to learn the YK system.  There are so many papers for each patient its sometimes hard to keep track of them all.  My entire PA career (all four years of it) has been with electronic medical record (EMR); now I start here and we have paper charts.  The irony is that in January we move to EMR.  I will just get used to these bulky, heavy paper charts and will then have to learn a new EMR.  Oh well.  My first week went well I think.  There were a couple of late nights and a few really frustrating days, but it can only get better.  The worst part has been only have one car and one cell phone.  This week I have been using my iPhone at work because it has a lot of my medical references on it, and Mark has been keeping the car so he can take the kids to the park if the weather is nice.  I've been trying to predict what time I will get done and be ready to be picked up, but twice I have been pretty off.  So off that Mark has gotten tired of waiting, left and gone home.  I think we are going to have to break down and get a home phone.
Also exciting this week, we finally got our permanent place and our stuff!!  We are in company housing which is great because our water, sewer, and heating oil are all included in our rent.  We have a pretty roomy duplex, about 1000 square feet, but we are a little ways from the hospital.  (A little being very relative.  People here complain about how far away our subdivision is from town, but really we are only about 5 miles away.)  Our rent is pretty much the best deal around, but rent is still $1700 a month!  Most places in the area have rents more than $1700 a month, plus the tenant is responsible for all utilities.  Nothing beats having our stuff.  It has been more than 2 months since we have slept in our own bed.  We couldn't be happier now that we can finally settle in.

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