Sunday, September 30, 2012

Biggest Grocery Bill Ever!

Last Sunday Mark flew to Anchorage for a week long seminar on asbestos.  While he was getting off early, eating at nice restaurants, drinking beer from a tap and shooting pool, I worked through lunch everyday just to get out by 5:00 so I wouldn't be late to pick up the kids.  The first two days were the worst by far.  Luke pushed every single button he could and ignored every punishment I could dish out.  My reward at the end of the week was to fly by myself with both kids right at their bedtime to meet Mark for the weekend.  What the hell was I thinking when I booked those tickets!  Amazingly Luke was great the whole flight and Gianna played peek-a-boo with someone sitting behind us almost the whole time.  
We managed to get a massive grocery shopping trip in the short time we were there.  First to Costco, $850 later we were on our way to Walmart.  Luke did get to enjoy the hotel swimming pool; it was by far the highlight of his trip.  Our last morning there we made a very quick trip back to Costco and spent another $350 on 100 pounds of meat.  One of the great things about flying within the state of Alaska is that every ticketed person can check three 50 pound bags each free of charge.  So between Mark, Luke and I we packed back 9 totes.  Alaska Air will even refrigerate totes containing items needing to be kept cold.
It may seem like a lot that we spent $1200 on groceries, but in the long run it will save us a lot of money.
Anchorage had its first snow while we were there.  When we woke that first morning we found several inches of snow on the ground.  Bethel too got its first snow earlier last week.  Nothing stuck to the ground but it won't be long before that's all we see on the ground.  The sun sets these days around 8:15 and rises close to 9:00.  Everything looks more brown, all but the cranberries are dried up.  Winter is on its way!   

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