Sunday, November 4, 2012

Grandma's Visit

This week Grandma came to Bethel for a visit.  We picked her up on the evening jet last Friday.  After a long day of flying though, what better greeting than that of a squealing 3 year old?  Although there is not too much to do in Bethel, we did go out one night for dinner and she got to experience the prices that one can only find in Bethel (or a five star restaurant in New York City, but who's comparing?) 

She was here for our first Alaskan Halloween.  Gianna was my little flower, but she wouldn't keep her petal hat on for longer than 2 seconds, so she ended up being a fuzzy green stem most of the night.  Luke was Woody from Toy Story, and he thought he was the coolest kid on the block all dressed in his cowboy suit.
The temperature that night was in the high teens, but the wind was crazy and brought down the temp considerably.  Mark took Luke out for trick or treating while Grandma, Gianna and I stayed warm inside. 
Her week with us was great.  She got to reconnect with her grandkids and even nurse her son back to health.  For the last couple of weeks a nasty GI bug has been ripping through Bethel.  Mark was unfortunate enough to be affected, but fortunate enough his mom was here to make sure he stayed hydrated.    
Luke keeps asking if Grandma is going to be at his house when we pick him up from the babysitter.  We certainly hope she comes back for another visit soon!  (And not just because of the two fabulous bottles of white wine and bottle of vodka she brought with her!)

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