Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Kind Of Place We Live

Bethel continues to amaze me.  Not just the crazy weather, but the people too.  Our beautiful snow showers from last week have succumb to warmer temperatures and now freezing rain.  The weather has turned our roads into dangerous ice ranks.  Mark is pretty good when it comes to driving in this stuff, but we have come to realize it might be time for snow tires. 
Earlier today Mark was going into town and slid off the road.  His first go to was to call a good friend to see if he could pull him out.  Unfortunately, his truck just wasn't heavy enough to get the needed traction to pull Mark back onto the road.  Their next idea was to ask the airport bulldozer driver who was sanding the runway if he could pull Mark out.  (Mark just so happened to slide off in front of the sand pile.)  However, that meant waiting for a while till the bulldozer returned for sand.  In the mean time, Mark and his buddy left our car to run a quick errand.  Mark saw no point in bringing our cars keys along so he just left them with the car.  
Here's the cool part of the story...  When Mark returned, 3 guys were hard at work pulling our car back onto the road.  One of the guys was our neighbor and the other two were guys we didn't even know.  Apparently our neighbor recognized our car and got a couple of his buddies to help him pull it out!  I think it's pretty cool, when someone you hardly know, helps you out; not just without you having to ask for help, but without even being there!   

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