Friday, May 25, 2012

The Longest Goodbye

Last Saturday my parents threw us a really nice going away party.  Many of our neighbors and friends stopped in for a final goodbye and farewell wishes.  The next Tuesday the movers came and collected our stuff headed to Alaska.  I worked nonstop on packing up the rest of the house so the following Saturday we could load the Penske truck and early Sunday morning all leave for Atlanta.  Mark worked endless hours on the truck with unfortunatly little to show for it.  It became obvious Mark would not be ready to leave Charleston on Sunday, his was the first goodbye to be extended.  My parents returned Friday night, and early Saturday morning we picked up the truck from Home Depot and started loading the rest of our house.  As Mom and I continued packing all the little this and that items still hanging around, Mark made his 90th trip to the parts store, and Dad worked without rest on packing up the truck.  Sunday, still too much left to do!  After way too much time spent on trying to decided the best coarse of action, we finally came to the realization that my goodbye was the next to be extended.  Instead of staying and working on the truck, Mark drove the Penske with Dad, followed by me and Gianna, followed by Mom and Luke.  Once we got into Atlanta we unloaded the Penske and literally filled our storage unit to the absolute limits!  Mark and I then kissed Luke goodbye and with Gianna headed back to Charleston.  The plan was for me to pack and clean the rest of the house Monday morning and return to Atlanta that afternoon.  Early Monday, my goodbye was pushed to Tuesday, then Wednesday.  What was supposed to be an early morning departure time was pushed to the afternoon after Mark's 122nd parts run took longer than expected. 
I did finally make it to Atlanta Wednesday night.  We had hoped Mark would follow me by only a day or two, but as this post's theme suggests, his departure day has continually been pushed back.  One day we will head out west... one day.

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