Tuesday, May 29, 2012

These are the Days

It's past midnight, 4 days after we had hoped to leave Kentucky for Seattle, and as I write this Mark is driving up from Charleston with the truck... on the back of a Uhaul.  After way more hours than either of us ever imagined would be spent working on the truck repairs, yesterday came the day to start her up.  She ran beautifully!  So why you ask is the truck on the back of a Uhaul right now?  No rear lights and no power to the fan.  Something in the electrical components of the truck weren't right and even though Mark worked on it till 3:30 in the morning still no go.  Mark made the call around 8:00 AM that I know was unbelievably hard for him to make.  We have run out of time to work on the truck.  By 9:30 Dad and I were off to the car dealership, Mom was calling storage units for vehicle storage rates, and Mark was renting another Uhaul.  Mark hoped to get on the road by early afternoon, but our general theme held true and hour after hour passed before finally around 8:30 PM Mark said the final goodbye to our house and Charleston to set out for Atlanta.  He made it to Orangeburg.  Engine light on the Uhaul came on and the truck began to loose power.  Mark had to pull over and call roadside assistance.  I know one day we will be able to laugh about all this.  And surely any move we make after Alaska will seem so simple.  At least tonight our family will be together again and our true adventure can begin.  As one of my favorite Sugarland songs says, "we're making moments we won't forget, and fueling ones that haven't happened yet".   

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