We have had such a great week. Last Friday Nana flew in from Atlanta to help celebrate Gianna's first birthday. It was an ordeal getting here for her. She left Atlanta around 4:00 in the afternoon on Thursday. After a short lay over in Denver she was on her way to Anchorage. Landing in Anchorage around 1:00am her flight to Bethel didn't leave till 7:00. After checking that the flight was on schedule I loaded the kids into the car and headed the mile and a half down the road to the airport. We watched excitedly as the jet came in for landing only to begin ascending again at the last minute. Back to Anchorage she went! Apparently the pilot felt like the fog was too thick for a safe landing. The next jet to Bethel wasn't until noon, however it was already full so she didn't get bumped till the evening jet that comes in around 8:00pm. Thanks to some friends in Anchorage she did get to leave the airport for a few hours. Finally, nearly 27 hours after leaving Atlanta she made it to Bethel, greeted by the squeals of a very excited 2 year old.

The next day we celebrated Gianna's first birthday. Mom made a Little Mermaid birthday cake and we had several friends over for a little party. The next day we made Gianna's picture cake. For Luke's first birthday someone had given me the idea of taking his picture while smashing into a cake with blue frosting.
I loved
the photos I got so I wanted to
do the same thing for Gianna's first birthday, but with pink frosting of course. Gianna didn't quite tear into her cake like her brother did his first birthday, but she seemed to enjoy it in her own prissy way.
In addition to helping out with Gianna's birthday, Nana also set the stage for Luke to be fully potty trained. He is now almost completely in big boy underwear! Sure we still have a few accidents every now and then, and he still wants a diaper to do #2, but he is doing really well.
At least lots of rain makes for some beautiful rainbows |
The weather was pretty typical Bethel most of her stay. It rained 80% of her time here, but that was actually impressive that 20% of the time was nice enough to go out.
We went berry picking out
on the tundra and collected enough blueberries, blackberries and cranberries to make a very tasty jam.
Saturday was definitely a tear filled day. We were all sad to see Mom go. It figures that on the day of her departure all the flights would be on time, no cancellations. She is already planning her next trip back, but April won't come quickly enough.